What to expect

In just 20 minutes we'll give you the full run down on Firmcheck and everything you need to know to start managing AML at your firm in a better, simpler way.

  • See Firmcheck in action – you'll get the lowdown on how Firmcheck's AML software can give you the confidence you need with your AML compliance and how you can make dealing with AML more efficient.
  • We'll show you how Firmcheck works for new and existing clients.
  • We'll talk about how it's easy to migrate existing clients from other systems or tools.
  • See how Firmcheck's helps you with ongoing monitoring & due diligence, and repeat AML in addition to onboarding new clients and entities.
  • Get an overview of the key features that can speed up your AML workflows, and ensure you hit all the compliance notes you need to.
  • Learn more about how our biometric ID verification  is improving the customer experience.
  • Ask all the questions you need to make sure you have the confidence that Firmcheck is the right AML management system for you and your firm.